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16 Fiat 500 Riva special edition 27 Photos Share on Facebook;Today, Fiat and Riva have conceived a new limited edition special series the 500 Riva, with unique stylistic choices and exquisite detailing The "Evening Blue" colour of body and hood created exclusively for the 500 Riva is identical to that of Aquariva Super, the contemporary powerboat icon and heir to the mythical Aquarama The central part of the dashboard, fashioned
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If you want to know what pokemons spawn in your location area around Yokohama this Pokemon Go Map Radar will help you Now with Generation 2 Pokemon!November 17 Farfetch'd globally and Kangaskhan in parts of South East Asia November 17 Mr Mime at Safari Zone in Tottori, Japan August 17 Mr Mime at Pokémon Outbreak in Yokahama, Japan